>"White people will gain a huge advantage in real race-blind politics."

I'm not convinced this is the case, in the same sense as there's no such thing as a free market. If we are not explicitly allowed freedom of association and discrimination, I don't believe there's any practical way to prevent other groups from exercising their own in-group preferences to circumvent any advantages we may have. It simply allows them to continue to hold us to this standard while ignoring it themselves, unless we were in power enforcing the policy ourselves. But if we were in power, why would we settle for race-blindness? Insofar as using it as a stepping stone, fair enough.

>"Racialism is irrelevant in Europe to make the case for migration restriction, and in fact no one who successfully has restricted migration or is on way to do so has invoked racialist arguments there, because the historical, nativist and cultural case is sufficient, and easier for the public to take."

Making racialism relevant again can be done once we have the power to dispel boomer truth and address its consequences. Despite racialism being distinct from nativism, it should still work in our favor to make it part of our political formula.

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Beyond those, BAPs point about HBD being pointless in appealing to the normies of a liberal democracy is well made. Nativism and cultural vitalism have better appeal to normies, as they should, but I do think there's a place for throwing race facts at the right people. Our enemies to demoralize them and debase their arguments, and our friends who understand it as justification. It comes down to knowing who we are talking to and targeting our message to them, while maintaining coherence with the popular vitalistic message. BAP is right that you need to do better than IQ statistics to fuel a popular movement, but they still work as part of the intellectual foundation of a greater vision which does appeal to the masses. Personally I think the message that 'segregation is good for humanity as a whole and the groups in it' is a plausible way to go. It's also true, except for certain naturally rootless peoples, which is simply coincidental and a good thing.

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I remember watching Molyneux’s videos on HBD in 2015/6 and being blown away. It was something I had always suspected, but to see it laid out so comprehensively put the nail in the coffin to most of the sentimentality I had on the issue. In my naive optimism I thought that surely it would be the key for others as well. Shockingly, they just seem to think I’m a bad person now.

HBD serves as a truth that helps many of us start to form Asabiyyah / in-group feeling. To feel moral abandoning beliefs which go against our own instincts, however those instincts have been purposefully broken down in the majority of white people. HBD is not strong enough to overcome decades or Archie Bunker, MLK mythology, or Saving Private Ryan propaganda. To most people the bad guys care about race and the good guys don’t. To espouse HBD is to sound like the bad guys on tv.

HBD’s strongest purpose is to give our side faith that we are right and the other side is wrong as their worldview denies fundamental truth, but from there we must start to admit to ourselves that even if IQ 2000 aliens show up we want to control our own destiny and they remain aliens.

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