One thing I wonder about: Why did DeSantis deviate from the mainstream covid position at a time when there were - from what I can tell - hardly any establishment allies for that move? Did someone egg him on? Was it because of his principles? Was it a 4D-chess move by him or someeone else? The issue may be over, but it made him stand out nonetheless.
I would prefer to live in the reality where the regime does not have the capacity to put the woke away. It's stirred up from the top down, but it's also an organic cult at this point.
One thing I wonder about: Why did DeSantis deviate from the mainstream covid position at a time when there were - from what I can tell - hardly any establishment allies for that move? Did someone egg him on? Was it because of his principles? Was it a 4D-chess move by him or someeone else? The issue may be over, but it made him stand out nonetheless.
I would prefer to live in the reality where the regime does not have the capacity to put the woke away. It's stirred up from the top down, but it's also an organic cult at this point.