“We believe and sincerely hope that the book “WHAT TO DO WITH GERMANY,” will condition the minds of the people of the United States to a point where they will be able to understand and to support a plan founded on the theory that World War III is inevitable if the German people are welcomed back into the Family of Nations before every las vestige of their cannibalism has been extracted from their philosophy.”
So opens “What To Do With Germany,” with these remarks from the publisher. This edition was printed for the overseas armed forces.
Before even opening, the book is deluged by praise to the point of being nausea-inducing.
To be printed by the Army for overseas American soldiers to read and so highly lauded, this must be one important work. Let’s find out what to do with Germany.
What stands out reading these several books in this genre is the utter cluelessness of the elites of the time to the threat of the Soviet Union. Focused so much on Germany, they are completely blind to the red hordes conquering Europe.
The first sentence of the first paragraph of the first chapter already opens with a statement that could not possibly more accurately describe the Nuremberg Moral Paradigm.
“The Gestapo, together with the SS and a nucleus of high army officers, have created a secret organization of young Nazis and Reichswehr officers in order to continue resistance in Germany after Allied occupation and to wait and prepare for the opportunity of starting another war.”
And that organization’s name? Hydra!
Just kidding. But it is a bare-faced declaration of the “secret Nazis” assumption that defined politics in second half of the twentieth century. All of these books share in common the fear of “American Nazis” taking over America and a resurgence of Nazism in Germany through a secret cabal, who’s only apparent aim is to “start another war.”
On the same page:
“The Germans started World War II, not only with a plan of victory, but also with a plan for defeat. Now, as the final defeat has become an absolute and imminent certainty, they are putting into execution their plan for defeat with typical German efficiency.”
Obviously, this is complete and utter nonsense that is entirely made up. Yet another characteristic of these books is how the authors simply make up “facts” about what the Germans are thinking and doing. It really goes to show how utterly deranged the elite (and therefore postwar governments) were in this regard.
The book does have “sources,” of course, as they all do—and it is always a brief excerpt from one officer’s documents. In this case, General von Stülpnagel, who was certainly a significant man, but the words of one general in one memorandum do not even imply the existence of a grand plan—indeed, the offhandedness in which the “plan” is written implies the exact opposite.
Here is just one part of the alleged “plan”:
“German preparation for a super-Blitzkrieg is not confined to Europe and Argentina The German High Command for World War III has constructed military and industrial based over practically all of South America and even parts of Central America within easy range of the Panama Canal. The preparation which are now going on are not only aimed at economic expansion but are intended for an all-out attack against the United States. Despite our official declarations against Argentina, the American people are not aware of the full extent of the danger. The truth is almost too fantastic to be accepted by the public. But in order to grasp what is going on one must know that the Pan-Germans, long before Hitler came to power, have regarded Latin America as a traditional goal for expansion.”
The truth is almost too fantastic to be accepted by the public.
Out of all the books in this genre I’ve read, this one is simultaneously the most highly praised and apoplectic. The methodology used is that most ludicrously aspirational ideas of German power are taken as official top-down policy, and not only that but “Germany efficiency” has already put those aspirations well into motion, and before anyone sees it coming, the Germans will conquer the world.
The evidence for the claims about South America are mostly that some South American armies were trained by Germans, that German industry is invested in South America, and that German airline services in South America developed the best understanding of the airways there. Apparently, Germany had “20,000 Storm Troops” in Buenos Aires.
“The situation in South America at the end of World War II is comparable in its danger to that which existed when Hitler entered the Rhineland in 1936. The storm signals are clear.
There is still time, as in 1936, to act with complete firmness and prevent the disaster before it rolls headlong upon us. If we temporize with the situation, the Germans will envelop the South American continent completely and; with a new an unprecedented military machine, will launch a third attack on both countries simultaneously.
Never, indeed, has the Monroe Doctrine been in greater jeopardy than today!”
The alarmism and exaggeration is so obscene that it really defies commentary. The author gives us another example of how to just make things up and present them as a fact:
“Hitler’s Elite Guards constitute at least twenty divisions. They are now being organized into cells of five. This cell organization will be the refuge of the remnants of a seemingly vanishing army which will reappear when its time comes.”
The author is actually claiming that no less than twenty divisions will simply vanish into some sort of “cell” structure and then reemerge, and somehow no one will notice this “ghost army.” I am not sure where they are going to keep the battle tanks.
This must be how shitlibs regard right-wingers:
“Trumps MAGA Guards constitute at least one million people. They are now being organized into cells of five. This cell organization will be the refuge of the remnants of a seemingly vanishing insurrection which will reappear when its time comes.”
The chapter concludes with this non sequitur which demonstrates utter military and historical illiteracy:
“It is our ignorance, as evidenced by frequently heard assertions that these facts about German plans for the preparation of a new assault are “exaggerated,” which make the Pan-German program of conquest possible. Those who think that all of this is “fantastic” should be asked to explain how Germany, crushed, hungry and poverty-stricken in 1919, was able to recover so swiftly that in 1939 it was the strongest military power in the world.”