The Nuremburg Regime and International Relations
The Nuremburg Regime holds such a monopoly on the minds of westerners on the topic of “international law” that to the extent anyone knows about normative international relations prior to Nuremburg, they view them as a sort of dark age of archaic politics in which dangerous, uncontrolled power politics led to the two World Wars, and its a good thing that that era is done away with.
They view the Hitler as weird and evil because he violated retroactively determined principles derived from the proceeding of the hypocritical victorious powers at Nuremburg. Hitler’s story of conquest begins with the Anschluss, the unification of Austria with Germany. This is taught at the first of Hitler’s violations of the peace of Europe, by “annexing” Austria; that is, to change the lines on the map as drawn by the victors of World War One is “illegal.” Any change to borders, without the universal consent of Europe and America is more-or-less an act of war on those parties.
Ask yourself, why do people now and even some living concurrently with the events in question believe that they have any right to determine the outcomes? The status of two German countries was a German problem for Germans to resolve among themselves. Countries such as Great Britain or the United States simply had no business interfering in the internal affairs of Germans insofar as their “rights” are concerned; as a matter of weakening Germany purely as a power politics maneuver, yes, but the events are taught as Germany being in the wrong, and the “right” countries had a duty to prevent the Anschluss. The fact that countries such as Great Britain “allowed” Germany to integrate Austria into the Reich is viewed as a black mark on their history as “appeasement,” and if they had had the moral courage to do something then, Hitler could have been stopped.
At the time, the Anschluss was decided between the relevant parties and was more or less viewed as a normative political development and not “crazy.” The fact that the people at the time recognized it as normal, even if they didn’t like it, and we retroactively view it as the first insane maneuvers of a madman should tell us something about the veracity of our world view.
Today we basically have the same situation, where it is simply “illegal” for Russia to change the borders in the map, vis-à-vis what is obviously a Slavic issue that has nothing to do with Anglo-Saxons. Putler must be stopped because Putler integrating Russians in a neighboring state into Russia is just like Hitler integrating Germans in a neighboring state into Germany, so if we don’t stop Putler now, we will have World War Three, just as World War Two came after Hitler wasn’t stopped.
This is the delusional misapprehension born from the mind of a virtual child. How can the United States claim to have some right to adjudicate the status of Slavs living on the other side of the planet? It is critical to eradicating the Nuremburg Regime to explain just how irrational this belief is. The idea that America should slaughter Russians as a matter of power politics is more respectable, because it is at least coherent. The idea that “the world” has a right to determine the relations between peoples anywhere on Earth is totally at odds with how such matters were viewed and dealt with throughout the rest of human history, and cannot be explained in any sensible way.
While criticizing the genuine unification of peoples, the governing elite use false unification as a divide and conquer strategy against those whom they rule. Countries are brought under international unions such as the European Union under the guise of “unity,” but in practice the Union does the opposite. The borders of Europe are fixed among nations divided into units that cannot resist globalist power.
We can see here from our friend Gunter Fehlinger an example of his plan to shatter basically every single country that is not part of NATO into a million pieces.
Gunter Fehlinger understands that racial unity, as experienced by Germans under the Reich and Russians under the Soviet Union, is far more powerful than any alliance “unified” under some arbitrary political grouping. No power other than Germany, for example, could have defeated Russia, and no power other than Russia could have defeated Germany. Whether or not he really understands what he is doing or not is irrelevant; certainly, the masters of NATO understand it, which is why they are so utterly obsessed with preventing Russia from establishing ethnic Russian unity. It has nothing to do with the belief in the sanctity of borders and nation-states, for they care not for these archaic institutions; this is the story believed by midwits.
Gunter Fehlinger is something of a living crack in the simulation. He makes very little pretense in his unceasing determination to expand the NATO alliance and utterly wreck all of its opponents. He openly exhibits unapologetic exploitative imperialism, total ruthlessness but devoid of the petty malice of NAFO fags, and this is respectable. Gunter Fehlinger is not crazy. It is YOU who are crazy (well, probably not you, my dear readers).
Gunter Fehlinger loves NATO not because he really loves the military alliance, but because he loves his people (Europe). To Gunter Fehlinger, NATO represents the ethnic unity of Europeans against all others. NATO über alles is a bit too much for the globalists. He’s not one of them, he’s just misguided in some of his loyalties. Perhaps Gunter Fehlinger prophesies the return of power politics.