There exists a mysterious phenomenon known as “policing,” which is often viewed as a solution to another mysterious force known as “crime.” “Policing” solves “crime,” kind of like how “democracy” solves for “tyranny.” Hm….
My friend Oliver for the channel Semiogogue accurately describes the government.
Naturally, the police are the first line of defense the government has against the public. Perhaps we might call them the “Rape Police;” I certainly won’t be backing that blue.
Martyr Made, notorious in some circles for his sympathy toward blacks, commented on a new police shooting video.
I won’t be diving into that fight, but making a the broader point of wondering why anyone thinks that sending white cops to harass blacks in black neighborhoods is a solution to anything.
Where I was born, before I was born, there was a system in place following the outlawing of segregation that established clear lines of control. If a black wandered into a white area, the police would watch them like hawks, and if they caused any problems, they would be sent back to their area, and ruthlessly prosecuted if they committed any felony. If a white wandered in a black area and bad things happened to them, well, they were just a moron. This kept a de facto segregation in place that kept inter-racial violence to a minimum.
As for black-on-black violence, well, the fact of the matter is, that’s up to them. As for issues concerning white people, well, that’s not up to us, because the Rape Government and Rape Party are fundamentally anti-white, and the Rape Police are quite useful in keeping white people suppressed. Blacks rightly understand the police as their opposition, an external force invading their territory and wreaking havoc. Whites, unfortunately, have a bizarre fear of “crime” that apparently requires this endless cycle of violence to “solve.” This is called “policing,” so whites “back the blue” or rather, keep “backing up” on the Big Blue Cock.